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How do I setup an SDS Portal?

Before you can start adding your dealership’s SDSs, you’ll first need to set up an SDS Portal.  These instructions will help you create your dearlership's portal(s).

💡 Setting up a portal gives you the flexibility to establish one library per dealership or location (if desired) or one library for all the different dealers.

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  • Log in to the Safety Portal and click on “SDS Portal” under the “SDS Library” drop down on the left hand menu.

  • Click the “Create SDS Portal” button.

  • Name the portal and select the locations which will be included in the portal, then click the “Create” button. 
        • Some organizations may choose to create one portal per location while others may create one portal for all locations. 
  • Once an SDS Portal has been created, you can download or print its associated QR code by clicking on the “QR Code” button.

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