Adding Custom Dealer Policies

ComplyAuto allows dealerships to upload and track their own custom policies in lieu of using ComplyAuto's automated policy builders. This article explains how dealerships can upload their own policies into the ComplyAuto system.

In general, this is only appropriate for advanced dealership groups who (1) have spent a significant amount of time drafting their own custom policies, (2) are confident those policies meet all current legal requirements, and (3) do not wish or plan to use ComplyAuto's policy builders.

How to Upload a Custom Policy

Custom Dealer Policies


Login to the Dealer Portal and go to the appliable policy builder, such as the OFAC Sanctions Compliance Program.

Select the "Add Custom [Policy Name]" button on the top right of the page.

Enter the required details and upload the policy. Give the policy a name that will be recognized. Upload the policy using a support file type, such as a PDF. Enter an optional effective and expiration date for tracking purposes.

Click "Add"!